Sunday, December 2, 2007

Large Christmas pillow I am making for our fireplace

As you can see, I'm barely started, but with all these neckties I am running over with ideas!! These are ones that represented Christmas!
The size now is about 27" x 13", however I intend to add a 4" border all around it with ruched fabric and beads in the seam. Then I will add a 2" border of fabric with beads in that seam and then bind the pillow. This will be size of a bed pillow that can be removed when the pillow top is stored away until next Christmas time.
We will use it in front of our fireplace (that we have never used. We have our flat screen t.v. in front of it placed on an antique wooden desk like box that is on 3" wooden ball legs. The top lifts up like a desk, but right now it is a t.v. stand!! The pillow will just fit in front of the t.v. against the box, and will be festive for the holidays. I hastilly took these pictures and they looked wrinkled, but it is not. I intend to embellish it heavily.

Bead RR with a group

We, in the Bead RR group have decided to not mail on the last block (which I have received now) until after the holidays. That is great in 2 ways. I will have more time to work on it, and hopefully the blocks will arrive safely with the block owner. I will take a picture of it later and post it here.